#100DaysOfDevOps Update v.1

11 days into the challenge and first results are here. Another Qwiklab quest about Kubernetes is done and a fantastic course about Networking from Pluralsight by Ross Bagurdes is completed. Besides that, I finished 2 books and articles about building reliable systems which I’ll cover later in separate posts.

🏫Qwiklabs quests about Kubernetes (K8S).

Qwiklabs offers a variety of quests and labs about K8S. But after completing 2 quests devoted to Kubernetes and Kubernetes in GCP I found myself in a situation where I would type some commands into the Cloud shell inside GCP without really understanding what’s going on. So if you would like to learn more about the technology itself, it’s not the best place for this ❌. I’m still a big fan of the Qwiklabs concept itself and will continue to explore what the platform can offer.

🏫Networking Concepts and Protocols by Ross Bagurdes (Pluralsight)

Just a random course that I took to refresh my knowledge about networking and what a hidden treasure it turned out to be. The course is well-structured and the delivery of complex concepts is easy to follow. It’s a must-have for all - cloud engineers, programmers and anyone in the IT really. Now I’m really excited about passing more courses from the author and go deeper into the networking. Definitely a course to pass ✅and not only for developers. Link to the course


Microsoft offers a number of bonuses You can get there a 1 month of free access to Pluralsight and other useful developer tools.

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